The formulation and evaluation of alternatives includes development, evaluation, and comparison of reasonable alternatives. In addition, a no-action alternative describing the most likely action by the Sponsors without federal assistance is developed. All federally assisted alternatives are developed to address the purpose and need of the project. For structural rehabilitation alternatives, rehabilitate includes measures to meet NRCS and ODNR Dam Safety criteria. Consideration is given to decommissioning the dam and to any applicable non-structural alternatives such as floodproofing or relocating upstream and/or downstream structures, floodplain regulation, acquisition of floodplain lands for recreational, fish and wildlife, and other public purposes, conversion of land use to forest, and relocating downstream hazard locations in the breach inundation area and purchasing flowage easements in the breach inundation area to preserve a lower hazard classification.
The following provides conceptual sketches for the formulated alternatives for each Fox Lake Dam and Meeks Lake Dam that were identified for detailed evaluation.
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